Tournament Rules
Flag Football & Basketball
Flag-Football Tournament Rules:
Tournament Overview:
Sport: 5-on-5 Flag Football
Location: Tilles Park on Hampton (5900 Fyler) or Listed Venue
Time: 11:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Max # of Teams: 8
Team Size: 8+ Players
Game Clock: Each Game will be 20 Minutes with a running clock until the final minute. During the final minute of each game the clock will stop for Incompletions, out of bounds, timeouts, injuries, turnovers, etc.
(The clock will only stop during the first 19 minutes for Timeouts and Injuries)
Field Size: Each Field will be 80 yards total with 10-yard end zones by 30 yards
First place Team Winnings: Each player receives a Championship shirt, and their Team name is engraved on the South-City Classic 1st Place Trophy. Each player will also get a Raising Cane's Drawstring bag, golf towel and Box Combo gift card.
MVP: Will receive The Raising Canes MVP Player of the Day Prize.
Players are asked to form teams themselves and enter as a team.
Contact us and we will help find you a team.
Players handle substitution at their team captain's preference.
Every team is asked to wear the same color shirts. Team colors will be assigned after registration.
Snacks and water will be provided to participants.
Flag-Football Day Tournament Schedule: 8 Teams
11:30 - Arrival and Team Sign-In
11:55 - Opening announcements and rule explanations.
12:00 - Each team will play 4, 20-minute games.
2:00 - Intermission. (15-20 Minutes)
Teams will be seeded in each division based on their record during the initial games.
2:20 - Single Elimination Tournament begins
3:20 - Championship Game
3:45 - MVP announced and Prize money presented to champions.
Flag-Football Night Tournament Schedule: 8 Teams
5:15-5:30 - Arrival and Team Sign-In
5:30 - Opening announcements and rule explanations.
5:40 - Each team will play 4, 20-minute games.
Teams will be seeded in each division based on their record during the initial games.
8:00 - Single Elimination Tournament begins
9:00 - Championship Game
9:20 - MVP announced and Prizes presented to champions.
Rules and Penalties:
All Games will be 20 minutes with a running clock UNTIL the final minute of the game; the clock will stop for incompletions, out of bounds, turnovers, Scoring plays, Injuries, etc.
Each team may have 5 players on the field at a time.
Teams have 4 plays to pass half field and 4 more plays to score a touchdown.
A first down is awarded when a team crosses midfield.
The Center must snap the ball between their legs.
Quarterback may scramble across the line of scrimmage only if rushed.
The Quarterback may hand the ball off to any player.
Any number of defenders are allowed to rush the quarterback after a 2 second rush clock, which an official will count aloud before the defense is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage.
The Quarterback must either throw the ball or cross the line of scrimmage within 6 seconds after the snap of the ball or the play will be called dead. Once called dead, the offense will lose the down and the ball will return to where it started.
No blocking. Once an offensive player has caught the ball, all other offensive players must stop and are only allowed to be in the defenses way if their feet are planted.
No flag guarding. Flag Guarding is any intentional or unintentional interference with their hands by the ball carrier in the defender's ability to pull their flag. Flag guarding will result in the play being called dead at the spot of the foul.
It is the Offensive player's responsibility, when running with the ball, to move out of the defenses path. Any intentional or unintentional contact by the offense to “go through” a defender will be called as Charging and will result in the offensive player being marked down at the spot of the foul and a loss of down for the offense.
Touchdowns are worth 6 points.
Extra points are attempted from either the 5-yard line, for 1 point, or 10-yard line for 2 points.
The ball is dead when it hits the ground, the offensive player’s flag is pulled from their belt, the ball-carrier steps out of bounds, or the ball-carrier’s body—outside of their hands or feet—touches the ground.
All offensive penalties result in a loss of down and the ball reverted to the original yardage.
All defensive penalties result in an automatic first down and some are associated with yardage.
Delay of Game penalties only result in the loss of a play and the penalized team is given an additional 20 seconds to snap the ball. (Officials discretion)
No physical punting or kickoffs, ball starts on the 5-yard line for all drives.
Teams who elect to "punt" will give the ball to the opposing team at that team's 5-yard line.
There are no run plays, including scrambling, whenever the ball begins within 5 yards of either half field or the goal line.
Once the ref spots the ball, teams will have 20 seconds to snap the ball.
Each Team has two, 30-second time outs per game.
Interceptions occurring on extra point attempts result only in a failed attempt. (You cannot return it)
Examples of Penalties
Flag Guarding

3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Rules
A coin flip shall determine which team gets the first possession.
Each game will be played until one team reaches 21 points. A team must win by 2 points.
Games are played on a half-court.
Standard two- and three-point shots apply.
Once checked, the offensive player may pass, shoot or dribble the ball.
No stalling is permitted. Stalling by the offensive team shall result in a turnover.
No timeouts are permitted.
Substitutions can be made only on a dead ball. The ball is dead after every foul, violation, or basket.
After a dead ball, the team on offense must check the ball with the defense.
Defensive rebounds must be cleared regardless of whether the ball touched the rim.
Steals (any change of possession) must also be cleared.
The ball is cleared when the player with the ball establishes both feet behind the 3-point line.
Fouls will be called by the court referee or be a joint decision between opposing players.
Once a team reaches 5 fouls they will be in the bonus. Every foul committed against the offense will result in free throws.
Any foul called will result in the ball being awarded to the fouled team, there are no free throws before a team is in Bonus.
The three-seconds in the lane rule will apply to all offensive players.