Flag Football League Rules
Basic Game Play:
Each team may only have 5 players on the field at a time.
All Games will be 40-minutes with two, 20-minute halves. The clock will run except for the last minute of the first half and the last two minutes of the second half.
During the last minute of the first half or two minutes of the second the clock will stop on:
Incomplete passes
An offensive player stepping out of bounds with possession of the ball before having their flag pulled.
The fields will be 60 yards long with 10 yard endzones (80 total) by 30 yards.
Teams have 4 plays to pass half field and 4 more plays to score a touchdown.
A first down is awarded when a team crosses midfield.
The Center must snap the ball from the ground and between their legs
The Quarterback may scramble across the line of scrimmage only if rushed.
The Quarterback may hand the ball off to any player.
Any number of defenders are allowed to rush the quarterback after a 2 second rush clock, which an official will count aloud before the defense is allowed to cross the line of scrimmage. Defenders are also able to cross the line of scrimmage as soon as a hand-off occurs.
The Quarterback must either throw the ball or cross the line of scrimmage within 6 seconds after the snap of the ball or the play will be called dead. Once called dead, the offense will lose the down and the ball will return to where it started.
Even when the QB hands the ball-off to another offensive player, the ball must cross the line of scrimmage within 6 seconds, or the play will be called dead.
There is no physical punting or kickoffs, the ball starts on the 5-yard line for all drives.
Teams who elect to "punt" will give the ball to the opposing team on that team's 5-yard line.
There are no run plays, except QBs scrambling when rushed, whenever the ball begins within 5 yards of either half field or the goal line. (The QB may only run if rushed, no other player may run the ball)
Once the ref spots the ball, teams will have 25 seconds to snap the ball.
Teams have 1, 30-second time-outs per half.
The ball is dead when it hits the ground, the offensive player’s flag is pulled from their belt, the ball-carrier steps out of bounds, or the ball-carrier’s body—outside of their hands or feet—touches the ground.
Scoring Plays:
Touchdowns are worth 6 points.
Extra points are attempted from either the 5-yard line, for 1 point, or the 10-yard line for 2 points.
Interceptions occurring on extra point attempts result only in a failed attempt. (You cannot return it)
Blocking: Once an offensive player has caught the ball, all other offensive players must stop and are only allowed to be in the defense’s way if their feet are planted. Blocking will result in the play being called dead at the spot of the block.
Flag guarding: Flag Guarding is any intentional or unintentional interference with the ball carriers hands to limit the defender's ability to pull their flag. Flag guarding will result in a 5-yard penalty from the spot of the foul.
Charging: It is the Offensive player's responsibility, when running with the ball, to move out of the defenses path. Any intentional or unintentional contact by the offense to “go through” a defender will be called as “Charging”. Charging will result in a 5-yard penalty from the spot of the foul.
If two Charging fouls are called on the same player during a game, the refs will have the discretion to eject that player from the game.
Pass Interference: Any physically restricting action by a defensive or offensive player to disrupt the other team’s ability to catch a pass. Includes holding/grabbing the other player’s shirt, arms, or hips, as well as any action to push-off the other player in order to create separation.
Offensive PI: Results in a loss of down and the ball is reverted to the original yardage. (if it was 2nd down when the penalty occurred, it would now be 4th down)
Defensive PI: Results in an Automatic first down being awarded to the offense and the ball is placed at the spot of the infraction. In the case of a defensive PI in the endzone the ball is placed half the distance to the endzone.
Defensive Holding: Holding will be called whenever a defensive player grabs and substantially turns, slows-down, or trips-up an offensive receiver during their route, before the ball has left the QBs hands. Holding penalties will result in the offense being awarded a first down and 5-yards from the original line of scrimmage.
Delay of Game: results in a 5-yard loss and the penalized team is given an additional 25 seconds to snap the ball.
False Start: Any movement, other than when going into motion, by an offensive player after they have become "set". Will result in a 5-yard penalty on the offense and a replay of down.
Encroachment: When a defender crosses the line of scrimmage before the 2-second rush clock has been called. Will result in a 5-yard penalty and a replay of down being awarded to the offense.
Unnecessary Roughness: Any excessive physical action against an opposing player during or after the play. Includes: wrapping up, tackling, or grabbing and holding a ball carrier when trying to pull a flag, hitting a quarterback’s arm as a rusher, or roughly pushing an offensive player out of bounds. Any player who receives two unnecessary roughness penalties in one game shall be ejected from the game.
Defensive unnecessary roughness penalties will result in the offense being awarded a first down and 10 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
Offensive unnecessary roughness penalties will result in a loss of down and a penalty of 10 yards from the original line of scrimmage.
Unsportsmanlike conduct: Any action deemed excessively inappropriate by the officials.
Offensive Unsportsmanlike Conduct: ​Will result in a 10-yard penalty and a loss of down for the offense.
Defensive Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Will result in a 10-yard penalty and a first down for the offense.

3-on-3 League Rules
1. Number of Players:
Each team must have a minimum of 3 players and may consist of a maximum of 6 players. A team shall have no more than 3 players on the court at any time. All games must start with at least 3 players on each team.
2. Authorized Equipment & Apparel:
No player shall be allowed to wear a guard, cast, hard brace or other potentially dangerous equipment on their elbow, hand, wrist, finger or forearm, including equipment made of hard leather, plastic, plaster or metal, even if the equipment is covered with soft padding. Soft braces, sleeves and wraps will be allowed unless they pose a danger to other players.
3. Timeouts
Each team is allowed a single one-minute timeout per game. The clock will stop during a timeout.
1.Start of the game:
3on3 basketball starts with a coin toss. The team that wins the coin toss gets to decide whether it wants the ball at the start of the game or at the start of a potential overtime.
2. Game time and overtime:
Our 3on3 games will be 20 minutes with a running clock. If the score is tied after 20 minutes, the game goes into overtime. During overtime, the first team to score ten points is the winner.
3. Scoring
Baskets made from inside the 3-point line count for 2 points. Baskets made from outside the 3-point line count for 3 points. A player is considered outside the 3-point line when neither foot is inside nor touching the line. Each free throw counts for 1 point.
4. Checked Ball
The ball must be “checked” by an opposing player before it is put into play. The “check-in” must occur behind the designated line above the 3-point line and not any out-of-bounds line. The on-ball defender must remain below the 3-point line until the ball is “checked” and possessed. The ball may be passed, dribbled or a shot may be attempted once it is “checked” and possessed.
Continuation after a successful basket: After a successful basket, possession of the ball changes. There will be “check” between the now defensive team and the team on offense before play will continue.
Continuation after offensive rebound: If the offensive team gets an offensive rebound, it may immediately shoot at the basket without first bringing it behind the 3-point line again.
Continuation after a defensive rebound, block or steal: If the defending team wins the ball via a defensive rebound, block or steal, it must first bring the ball behind the 3-point line before it may attack.
5. Taking It Back
The ball must be “taken back” behind the 3-point line on each change of possession, regardless of whether or not a shot was attempted. The ball is considered behind the 3-point line when neither foot of the player possessing the ball is inside nor touching the line. A takeback violation occurs as soon as a player attempts a shot and results in loss of possession and any points just scored.
6. Ball Out-of-Bounds
A ball out-of-bounds will be called by the court referee and will be thrown in from their marked position from behind the out-of-bounds line.
7. Change of Possession
The ball must change possession after scoring baskets and after all made free throw attempts, with the exception of a Technical, Intentional or Flagrant foul. There is no “make it, take it” rule.
8. Stalling
Stalling is prohibited at all times. Stalling involves a style of play in which a team does not actively attempt to advance the ball toward the basket and shoot the ball at the basket. It is a method used in an attempt to run out the game clock to preserve a win. Stalling is considered an unsportsmanlike act and will result in a technical foul against the offending team.
7. Jump Ball
There is no alternating possession when there is a jump ball. In all jump ball situations, the ball is awarded to the defensive team.
8. Dunking
There is to be no hanging on the rim when dunking. Dunking is allowed, but players must respect the facility being used. Unauthorized dunking or hanging on the rim is an unsportsmanlike act and will result in a technical foul.
9. Substitutions
Substitutions may only be made during a timeout or a “dead ball” situation and must involve a player on that team’s roster.
Fouls and Free throws:
All Defensive Non-Shooting fouls will result in the offense retaining possession.
All offensive fouls will result in a change of possession.
If a player is fouled on a 2pt attempt, they will get 1 free throw worth 2 points.
If a player is fouled on a 3 pt attempt, they will get 1 free throw worth 3 points. .
If the original shot is still made even after being fouled, the offense will not shoot a free throw and instead just retains the ball. (I.E. The shot will count, and the offense keeps the ball, no free throw attempt)
The clock will stop for free throws during the final minute of all games.
Teams have 6 Team Fouls before they are in bonus. When a team commits their 7th foul, the other team will begin to receive one, 2-point free throw for all penalties.
1. Common Foul
Basketball referees will call fouls for all games.
A made basket shall not count when an offensive foul occurs.
A Team will be in Bonus after they record their 6th Foul (Free throws awarded on the next foul)
2. Intentional Foul
An Intentional foul includes, but is not limited to, a foul designed to neutralize an opponent’s obvious advantageous position. It may be an act that is not a legitimate effort to directly play the ball or while attempting to play the ball, results in excessive contact.
3. Technical Foul
A Technical foul includes, but is not limited to, unsportsmanlike acts such as taunting, baiting or trash talk by a player. Taunting and baiting can involve derogatory remarks or gestures that incite or insult a player, basketball referee, league official or fan. Trash talk involves a deeply personal, verbal attack directed toward any person involved in the event. In extreme cases the player may be suspended from play and removed from the court for the remainder of that game and possibly for the rest of the season. A Technical foul will also be assessed if a team is stalling in the interest of preserving a winning margin.
4. Flagrant Foul
A Flagrant foul may be an act of a violent or aggressive nature or one that displays unacceptable conduct. It may or may not be intentional. It may involve violent or aggressive contact such as striking, kicking, kneeing, moving under an opponent who is in the air, and crouching or hipping in a manner that could cause severe injury to the opponent. It may also involve “dead ball” contact or dialogue which is extreme or persistent, aggressive or abusive. A Flagrant foul will also be assessed on any player who comes into physical contact with or assaults a basketball referee or league official. A player committing a Flagrant foul will be suspended from play for the remainder of that game and possibly for the rest of the season, as determined by a league official.